Student Conduct Policy


  1. 上課前,學生不可進入教室。

  2. 上課時間,不可在外遊蕩。

  3. 不可擾亂上課秩序。

  4. 休息時間 (3:00 ~ 3:10),學生不可在教室逗留。

  5. 非經老師准許,不可在黑板上塗畫或寫字。

  6. 不可移動或塗畫教室内任何物品(包括桌子椅子)。

  7. 不可破壞學校財產。

  8. 除非緊急狀況,不准碰撞或玩弄警報器。

  9. 不可打開儲物箱,即使是 Kennedy Jr. HS 學生,也不例外。

  10. 不可亂丟紙屑或廢棄物,不可吃零食或飲料,清水例外。

  11. 不可在教室或走道打球。

  12. 不可擅自離校。

  13. 非經許可,不准邀外人進校。

  14. 不可威脅恐嚇別人或與人打架。

  15. 要誠實,不可作弊。

  16. 要有禮貌,不可粗魯,對同學要友愛與幫助,對老師要尊敬與感謝。



  1. 口頭或書面申誡

  2. 會見或通知家長

  3. 留校察看

  4. 退學一年或開除學籍

  5. 除以上處分外,違規者得負責財物損壞之賠償。


All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the following guidelines. The goal is to help students understand their responsibilities as part of NCS community.

  1. Should not enter the classroom before the classes start.

  2. During class time, students should not be in the hallway.

  3. Should not be disruptive during class.

  4. Should not be in the classroom during recess without the teacher's permission.

  5. Should not draw or write on the blackboard without the teacher's permission.

  6. Should not touch nor vandalize school belongings or displays in the classroom and the hallway.

  7. Should not damage school property.

  8. Except for emergencies, students should not touch or play with any emergency devices, such as the fire extinguisher.

  9. Should not open any locker during Chinese school even if it is your assigned locker in Kennedy Jr. HS.

  10. No littering, soft drinks (with sugar content) or food allowed in NCS. Only water is allowed.

  11. Should not play ball in the classrooms or hallways.

  12. Should not leave school without parents’ or teachers’ consent.

  13. No visitors are allowed to NCS without permission.

  14. No bullying or fighting allowed.

  15. No cheating is tolerated.

  16. Be polite, respectful, and helpful to your peers, teachers and all other people.

Disciplinary Guidelines

The following procedures will be implemented for students who do not abide to the guidelines.

  1. Verbal or written warning.

  2. NCS will notify or meet the parents.

  3. The student will be under probation.

  4. Consequences may follow in cases of serious offenses, such as loss of privileges, suspension for one year, or expulsion from NCS.

  5. If there are any damages to school (NCS and Kennedy Jr. HS), the student will be financially liable for all damages.