Heritage Chinese


Heritage Class Teaching Objectives

  • 透過有趣的活動、童謠或兒歌、畫圖、勞作、說故事和遊戲,善用兒童各種感官知覺以及多種智能,啟發小朋友學習中文的興趣與動機。介紹基本字彙,以簡短易學的句子,讓幼童能一起跟讀。

    The goals for the class are to be educational in a supportive and fun environment. The curriculum is compiled by referring to children's psychological development methodologies. In order to facilitate learning, the class will focus primarily on interactive teaching. The teacher will use Mandarin and English to communicate and guide students in learning basic and practical conversations. Teachers will lead students with singing, games, drawings, and other activities.

  • 認識學習注音符號ㄅㄆㄇ,建立華語標準腔調的基礎;介紹基本字彙,作為將來閱讀及寫作之工具。透過有趣的活動、童謠或兒歌、畫圖、勞作、說故事和遊戲,善用兒童各種感官知覺以及多種智能,啟發小朋友學習中文的興趣與動機。

    Understand and learn the phonetic symbols ㄅㄆㄇ and establish the foundation of standard Chinese pronunciation; introduce basic vocabulary as a tool for future reading and writing. Through interactive activities, nursery rhymes or songs, drawings, work, storytelling and games, we appeal to children's various senses to inspire their interest and motivation in learning Chinese.

  • 採用情境式的教學方式,透過實物及情境之營造,讓學生對該課句型和字彙有所瞭解。學習認字,分析中國字的結構,讓孩子認識文字之美與特性,並透過實物、圖畫、肢體動作等視覺方式呈現字彙或句型中常見的情境。字形、筆順、造詞、造句與單位詞的熟練,糾正發音提升表達能力。運用淺顯易懂的可愛故事、短文、童謠或兒歌,加強聽、說、讀、寫的能力,使學童能在有趣的情境中學習,達到寓教於樂的目的。藉由活潑有趣的課堂活動,讓學生靈活運用學過的詞彙,訓練說話能力。

    Utilizing an immersive teaching method, through the application of real objects and practical situations, students can develop a strong understanding of sentence pattern and vocabulary of the lessons. Learn to recognize characters, analyze the structure of Chinese writing, inspire children to understand the origin and evolution of the characters. Present common situations in words and sentence patterns through visualization using physical objects, pictures, and gestures. Proficiency in glyphs, stroke order, word formation, sentence construction and word units, ensure accurate pronunciation and improve overall expression. Employ easy-to-understand stories, essays, nursery rhymes or children's songs to improve listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, while maintaining the spirit of entertainment and education. Through active participation in classroom activities, students can use the vocabulary they have learned and practice their conversation skills with ease.

  • 採用情境式的教學方式,透過實物及情境之營造,讓學生對該課句型和字彙有所瞭解。學習認字,分析中國字的結構,讓孩子認識文字之美與特性,並透過實物、圖畫、肢體動作等視覺方式呈現字彙或句型中常見的情境。字形、筆順、造詞、造句與單位詞的熟練,糾正發音提升表達能力。加入漢語拼音: 配合識字、造詞、造句及中文打字。以閱讀、成語、寫作、思維能力的培養,豐富孩子的字彙;組句成段,組段成篇,訓練基本的寫作能力。藉由活潑有趣的課堂活動,讓學生靈活運用學過的詞彙,訓練說話能力。

    Utilizing an immersive teaching method, through the application of real objects and practical situations, students can develop a strong understanding of sentence pattern and vocabulary of the lessons. Learn to recognize characters, analyze the structure of Chinese writing, inspire children to understand the origin and evolution of the characters. Present common situations in words and sentence patterns through visualization using physical objects, pictures, and gestures. Proficiency in glyphs, stroke order, word formation, sentence construction and word units, ensure accurate pronunciation and improve overall expression. Added Chinese Pinyin: for literacy, word making, sentence construction and Chinese typing. Enrich children's vocabulary by cultivating reading, idioms, writing and thinking skills; forming sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into essays, and practicing basic writing skills. Through active participation in classroom activities, students can use the vocabulary they have learned and practice their conversation skills with ease.

  • 採用情境式的教學方式,透過實物及情境之營造,讓學生對該課句型和字彙有所瞭解。藉由聽、說、讀、寫、思、作的課程設計,讓孩子學會中文的應用及提升寫作能力。加強課外閱讀,生活、文化常識。精選短文或書籍,為AP中文做準備。

    Utilizing an immersive teaching method, through the application of real objects and practical situations, students can develop a strong understanding of sentence pattern and vocabulary of the lessons. Through a curriculum specifically designed for listening, speaking, reading, writing and comprehension, children can learn the practical application of Chinese and improve their writing skills. Promote extracurricular reading, life knowledge and cultural awareness. Select short articles or books to prepare for AP Chinese.

Registration Fees

One-time registration fee for new students/families: $30


幼小班(三歲, 四歲) 2-3pm $400
幼大班(五歲以上) 3-4pm $400
注音班(五歲以上) 2-4pm $520
一年級 2-4pm $520
二年級 2-4pm $520
三年級 2-4pm $520
四年級 2-4pm $520
五年級 2-4pm $520
六年級 2-4pm $520
七年級 2-4pm $520
八年級 2-4pm $520
九年級 2-4pm $520

Early Bird Discount

Each student who register and made full payment before 5/31/2024: -$20

Sibling Discount

Each sibling (starting from second child): -$20

  1. 2024 學年第一學期開學日期08/25/2024;第二學期開學日期1/12/2025。

  2. 舊生應於09/15/2024 前完成報名註冊手續, 09/15/2024 尚未繳學費需另加$25 手續費。需繳交學費後,方能領取課本。

  3. 支票抬頭請寫Naperville Chinese School, 請在備忘錄中註明學生姓名和班級並寄至:

    NCS Registration
    P.O. Box 295
    Naperville, IL 60566

  4. 支票跳票, 需另加$25 手續費。

  5. 學費亦可使用Zelle/QuickPay線上付款, 請在備忘錄中註明學生姓名和班級。學校帳號為ncschoolpay@gmail.com

  6. 08/25/2024之前可申請全額退費,之後會扣手續費$20。09/15/2024 之後恕不退第一學期學費。1/26/2025 之後恕不退第二學期學費。

  7. 本校是由家長經營的學校。每個家庭每學年都必須參與義務工作。請於註冊時繳交$75支票押金。未達到服務點數15點時, 每個點數需繳交$5服務補償金。

*NCS reserves the right to change or cancel the class if minimum enrollment requirement is not met